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Mondays Are For Mamas: Pregnancy During The Pandemic

When I was eight weeks pregnant I flew, transatlantic, wearing a mask for the first time in my life. It was February, and I was the only one on the plane wearing a mask. Back then, COVID seemed far away, but also not worth the risk for a pregnant person. So I dutifully masked up on the planes I took and then had an entirely normal (read: non-socially distant) family visit in between. I ran a 6k with a couple hundred other folks. I hugged my family members repeatedly without wearing PPE. I went into stores and touched things without compulsively sanitizing my hands or fearing anytime anyone got within a certain radius of my being. Simple pleasures that all seem other-worldly now.

Shortly after my return, things spiraled and The Netherlands went into lock down. At that point I was 12 weeks pregnant and I was so ready to tell my friends … except that suddenly, I couldn’t do so in person! So I waited. “What’s the rush? This will all pass.”, I thought. (Yeah yeah, I know, I know.) I finally ended up having to tell my friends and students via zoom when I was 17 weeks because I couldn’t hide my bump any longer. I even had to tell some friends via text – *cringe*. It definitely wasn’t what I’d pictured when we’d been planning my pregnancy! 

Four months later, things are still all sorts of weird in the world, and I still have no idea what it’s like to be pregnant during normal times. (In my dreams I’d be fending off belly touchers, enjoying brunches with friends and would have had a lovely baby shower!) But, as they say: it is what it is. So while I don’t have anything to compare it to, I do know what it’s like to be pregnant during a pandemic. Which is how I know that it can be lonely (oy, the isolation), and that now more than ever, moms and moms-to-be are dependent upon social media and the internet for connection, both with the world and with one another.

That’s why I launched my Mondays Are For Mamas IGTV series: special short films designed for people who are TTC (trying to conceive), prenatal and postpartum! So far I’ve covered stretches to help alleviate pelvic girdle pain, core belly breathing (so important!), and birth affirmations. Coming up? A special double session featuring a recipe from the lovely folks at Mamai Nutrition and a prenatal/postnatal safe workout that you can do at home! Not following me on IG yet? Click here for free workouts, my IGTV, body posi content and more!

To all my mamas and mamas-to-be out there: keep up the amazing work! We’ve got this and eventually, things will get easier! 

Big hugs from me to you!


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