Health & Fitness

How To Stay Strong On Your Vacation

With summer vaca right around the corner, many of us will lose momentum and start to relax our fitness regimens a bit. And guess what? THAT’S OK! Yes, you read that right: it’s totally normal to workout less at certain times of the year – I’m looking at you, start of summer vaca and depths of winter holidays! But what do you do if you’d like to keep up your progress while you unwind? Here’s how to get the best of both worlds.

Be Realistic

Your usual hour-long workout may not be in the cards if you’re traveling with friends or doing a group tour, but that doesn’t mean that a shorter workout can’t also be effective! Try fitting in shorter workouts more frequently, or simply replace your usual longer workout times with shorter workouts and let that be okay. Life is about being flexible, and a vacation is the perfect time to lean in to relaxation.

Make It Social

Traveling with a buddy? Rope them into a workout!! Take a run or a walk together, complete a workout video or even find a buddy workout that includes your partner in the moves! Time flies when you’re together, and the time you share is the perfect way to spend a vacation.

Don’t Discount Daily Movement

Sure, you may go to the gym several times a week when you’re at home, but let’s look at your typical day. Is it filled with movement or more stationary activities? If it’s the latter, you may be surprised to find that many popular vacation activities actually get you up and moving for more hours a week than you would normally at home. Hiking, swimming, biking and snorkeling are all great vacation activities that can be social and don’t necessarily have to feel like a workout, but they still get great movement in and can keep you feeling strong. Even touring around a city can rack up some serious “time in motion”, so lace up your sneaks and get going!

Make A Schedule

If you’re really serious about your fitness regime (perhaps you’re training for something like a marathon, 15k or obstacle run that has a clear deadline), you may find that it’s best to set aside time at predictable intervals. That will ensure that you get the appropriate amount of exercise in daily/weekly to meet your goals. Pro tip: early mornings may be your best bet to get in a workout before the rest of your crew wakes and wants to get out and seize the day. Not a morning person? Try these tips for a better morning workout.

Whether you love to do laps in the pool or prefer to keep your walk to the tikkie bar short, there are always options for fitting in both movement and exercise on vacation. Give yourself some grace, move when it suits your mood and remember that you can always begin again after your vacation. It’s up to you!


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