Health & Fitness

Five Steps to An Easy Morning Workout

Ahhh, the coveted AM sweat sesh. It’s not for everyone, but it is more accessible than many people think. Whether you’re looking to start your day with more energy, cherish starting your day working on yourself, or are driven by simple necessity, these five simple steps will help you create a seamless morning workout routine.

Sleep In Your Workout Clothes

Yes, you read that right. CLEAN workout clothes, folks, clean workout clothes. Sometimes having to struggle into leggings and a sports bra first thing in the morning is more than we can bear. By sleeping in your workout outfit you can eliminate this obstacle and wake up ready to go. Not ready to commit to a full outfit in bed? Try sleeping in just your workout top and leave the rest of your outfit in your bathrooms so that it’s set to go. Don’t forget socks and sneakers!

Choose Your Workout In Advance

Knowing what you plan to do is critical. Not only does it help amp you up, but it also provides structure to the time you’ve set aside. Whether you’re using an app, a free workout video online or a digital class recording, take the time the night before to skim the workout and ensure that you know what you’ll need and what you’re doing.

Set Up Your Gear The Night Before

Now that you’ve chosen your workout, go ahead and set up your tools. Workout mats, weights, sneakers, even your headphones – set them all up where you want to workout. Much like having your workout clothes set aside, having your gear set up will enable you to get straight to moving.

Choose a Realistic Timeframe 

If you’ve been working out, it may feel like nothing to attempt a 45 minute morning workout right off the bat. However, if you haven’t been working out recently (or if you have a history of being early morning-averse), it may make more sense to aim for a short workout to start. Even 15 minutes, when done consistently, can make a big difference. 

It’s also important to be honest with yourself about how often you’d like to (and CAN do), a morning workout. The more frequently you do them, the easier the getting up and going part will get. That said, it’s not always realistic to assume you’ll be able to hop into three morning workouts a week. Think about how much you workout now and decide whether you’re aiming to shift workouts to the AM (replacing afternoon or evening exercise), and if so what balance between them feels right to you. Total beginners, aim for one to two morning workouts a week of 15-20 minutes. It’ll get easier (because you’ll get stronger!) as you go!

Set Aside Transition Time

So you’ve chosen a 30 minute workout and you’re excited to try it. But how much time does that mean you actually need to set aside? Do you hop out of bed the first moment you hear your alarm, or do you hit snooze? Factor that time, as well as bathroom time in. Now double check whether the workout you’re doing includes a warm up. While most do, some apps skip them, so add on three to five minutes as needed. Same goes for cooling down. Does the program have a stretch at the end? If not, tack on a few minutes. How intense will this workout be? If you’re expecting to be a Sweaty Susan afterward, plan on showering time. You see where all this is going? While the workout itself may only be 20 or 30 minutes, the whole experience will definitely take longer. Planning that extra time will help you have a smooth morning experience. 

Pro tip: Don’t give up if the first time you do this you schedule too much or too little time. A little trial and error is to be expected!

While the steps above can’t guarantee you’ll become an avid morning exerciser, they can give you the edge you need to get up and get it done! So what are you waiting for? Set that alarm, choose your workout and get going!


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